Thursday, 1 November 2018

Fillet cutting tips with other kitchen tips


    STEP 1Lay whole salmon onto chopping board.
    STEP 2Make incision behind fin and cut along back of head, breaking through bones. Do the same to the other side and remove salmon head.
    STEP 3Run knife along back bone of fish, slicing whole salmon into two fillets.
    STEP 4Remove ribcage from salmon fillets.
    STEP 5To skin salmon, hold tail and place knife above skin and slice sideways, pulling the skin off at the same time.
    STEP 6Remove ribcage from salmon fillets.
    STEP 7Pin-bone salmon fillets.
    STEP 8Slice fillets into portions.

Best Fillet Knife For Saltwater Fish

If you’re anything like me, you spend a lot of time planning meals and preparing food, making all of those helpful kitchen tips and tricks that save you time (and your sanity) worth knowing! And so, I have rounded up some of the best kitchen tips that just might have you saying “Why didn’t I think of that?”. I certainly wish I had known these a long time ago!

A few of these “secrets” I know I will use often (like fishing out broken egg shells and freezing leftover sauces). Whether you’re a workaholic who barley has time to open the fridge, a busy stay-at-home mom, or are in the running for your own show on The Food Network, I think you’ll find a few hacks here that will make life easier!

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1. Grate Cold Butter

I haven’t tried this little trick just yet, but I love the idea! Your stick of butter has to be close to frozen for it to work, and you must work fast to keep it from melting, but the grated butter is perfect for adding to flour before baking biscuits, scones, muffins, etc.. It also makes the butter melt much faster, so if your butter is too cold to spread, consider grating it first and then topping toast, veggies, or a baked potato!

2. Scooping Up A Broken Shell

It happens every time! I make eggs for breakfast just about every morning, and the brown organic eggs seem to break off into little pieces so much easier. Instead of fishing around with your finger to dig them out of your bowl (yeah, I do that), use one of the egg shell halves to scoop it out!

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3. Egg Freshness Test

I eat too many eggs for them to ever go bad, but this sure is good to know. I got so excited when I saw this, I dug into my fridge to test it for myself. My eggs seemed to be 4-6 days old — good enough! You’re probably wondering how this works, and yes, there is some science behind it. Eggshells are porous, allowing air to slowly get in over time. As more air enters the egg, it gets lighter and lighter, which explains why it will eventually float.

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